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“We enjoyed learning from Donald Tucker and Robert Demanche how The Last of the Fairhaven Coasters was written and published.  . . . This account of our local history was succinctly compiled and interspersed with lively dialogue, making it an entertaining, memorable book.”

– The Millicent Library Thursday Morning Book Discussion Group


Euro at Phoenix Gift Shop, 24 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719, (508) 992-1714

"Catting the Anchor," an etching by Coral crew member George Gale.

“Catting the Anchor,” an etching by Coral crew member George Gale.

The New Bedford Whaling Museum Gift Shop, 18 Johnny Cake Hill, New Bedford, MA 02740-6398, (508) 997-0046

The New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center, 38 Bethel Street, New Bedford, MA, 02740, (508) 993-8894

Partners Village Store & Kitchen, 865 Main Road, Westport, MA 02790, 508-636-2572

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